- Pharma Dollars and Sense: Will principle based accounting improve financial reporting?
- Pharma Dollars and Sense: IFRS versus US GAAP
- Pharma Dollars and Sense: Canada to switch to IFRS by 2011
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Holidays from Pharma Dollars and Sense
Monday, December 14, 2009
Complimentary Webinar: Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Reform on the Business of Medicare: An Interview with Gorman Health Group
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Mention Priority code: P1507W1BLOG
John Gorman, CEO, Gorman Health Group, along with Jean LeMasurier, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Gorman Health Group will examine the current state of US healthcare reform, and its short and long term impact on Medicare plans including the financial, operational and strategic implications of the proposed bills.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Healthcare Investment & Transaction Summit, New York City - Early Bird Ends This Friday, December 11
Gain access to industry thought leaders, including:
Download the brochure and take a look at the all-star speaker list and agenda featuring this year’s most prominent industry issues! Visit our website for further program details at www.healthcaredealsummit.com.
Plus, be sure to register by this Friday, December 11, to save $200 off the standard rate!
We hope to see you in January in New York City!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Complimentary Webinar: Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Reform on the Business of Medicare: An Interview with Gorman Health Group
December 15, 2009
John Gorman, CEO, Gorman Health Group, along with Jean LeMasurier, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Gorman Health Group will examine the current state of US healthcare reform, and its short and long term impact on Medicare plans including the financial, operational and strategic implications of the proposed bills.
About the Speakers:

Senior Vice President for Public Policy
Gorman Health Group
Jean LeMasurier joined Gorman Health Group after a 30 year career with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Jean provides strategic planning and consulting services to Medicare Advantage Health Plans, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans, drug companies and employers on programs under the Medicare Modernization Act.
Her areas of focus include health policy and health care reform and advising plans and employers on retiree options. Engagements include analysis of Medicare market opportunities, strategic advice on CMS legislative and regulatory requirements, audits and gap analyses to assure implementation of regulatory compliant programs.
Jean is also engaged in policy analysis, public speaking and educational and training activities.
As a senior CMS career official, Jean was responsible for the leading the $40 billion Medicare Managed care programs for many years, including serving as the Director of Policy and the Acting Director/Deputy Director of Operations and Regulatory Oversight. Jean also served as a Senior Advisor in the Employer Operations and Policy Group which implemented the employer provisions of the Medicare Modernization Act.
Jean also worked as a professional staff member on the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health.

Chief Executive Officer
John Gorman is CEO of Gorman Health Group, a company he founded in 1996 (under its predecessor name, Managed Care Compliance Solutions) to provide Medicare regulatory compliance advisory services to healthcare payers. Under John’s leadership, Gorman Health Group has since emerged to beco
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer
Monday, December 7, 2009
Health care reform: Private Insurers paying for federal lobbying
What do you foresee happening to the financial aspects of healthcare reform in terms of both the insured and the healthcare companies?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Adopting IFRS Key to global financial success
Friday, September 4, 2009
Name Change for FAS 157
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Indiana Government converting to centralized accounting system
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What does Kroeker’s appointment mean for IFRS?
You have an opportunity right around the corner to hear from the industry’s brightest minds regarding IFRS, mark-to-market, fair market value, and much more at this year's Pharma Financial Forum. But you need to act now and register by Friday, August 28, so you can save $200! See the brochure here.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
James L. Kroeker becomes SEC's permanent cheif accountant
How do you think Kroeker's new position will affect the United States and it's adoption of IFRS?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Controlling your risk when converting to IFRS
Thursday, August 20, 2009
FASB's changes on disclosing private information
Last September, when the board decided companies would have at least another year before having to comply with the new rules, it agreed to collect more feedback by asking companies to do sample runs of its first proposal and the alternative version currently being crafted. However, only a few companies have shown interest in participating.
Read the full article here.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Adopting IFRS slowing
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fair market value rules may expand
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
New network for accountants
Fox Coaching Associates CEO Nancy Fox explains, “Let’s face it – it’s not what you know, but who you know. Unlike most online and face-to-face networks, HubStreet takes the work out of networking for lawyers, accountants and lenders by bringing them together with the right quality connections — professionals and experts that are relevant to their business.”
Read the full article here.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Former AIG Executive settling accounting charge
According to the article,
Greenberg and Smith were responsible for "material misstatements" that helped AIG create the false impression that the insurer had consistently met or exceeded key earnings and growth targets, the SEC claimed.
Read the full article here.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
How are you handling the transition to IFRS standards?
• Have you planned for the cost associated with transitioning to IFRS?
• Do you understand the impact it will have on your accounting team?
• Will you get approval to bring in an accounting firm to help with the transition and when you do will it be too late?
The SEC continues to send mixed messages about the IFRS roadmap - This October, The Pharma Financial Forum will prepare you for these changes by providing a blueprint for making a seamless transition to IFRS standards. Participate in a featured session entitled “Determine
How Quickly to Move Toward the Adoption of IFRS”, which offers insights on:
• Ascertaining a more accurate sense of when IFRS implementation will trickle down to smaller companies
• Pinpointing which processes within the conversion to focus on over the next two years
• Selecting strategies for keeping up with standards without overinvesting in the transition to IFRS
Be sure to visit our website for more information and complete program details.
**If you register by this Friday, August 7, you'll receive $300 off the standard registration price! Find out more here.
Tweedie encourages US to join IFRS
During the American Accounting Association's annual accounting meeting, Tweedie stated: "This is a very interesting moment for us, a once-in-a-lifetime moment. Where is the USA? That is a question I am asked all around the world. The convergence program is designed to reduce the cost of transition. FASB is riding two horses: U.S. GAAP and trying to converge at the same time, but so are we. We get a lot of criticism over the favored-nation status toward the United States. The European Federation of Accountancy Bodies has just talked about how the point has been reached where there have been diminishing returns from convergence with U.S. GAAP, particularly as more and more countries, including major economies such as Japan and India, move toward direct adoption of full IFRS, and the IASB should change its strategy and concentrate exclusively on major improvements and simplifications of IFRS for the short term. We think that’s wrong. If you’re going to have global standards, we need the U.S., but it can’t go on indefinitely. We’ve been converging for seven years. We have a timetable to finish in 2011. It’s designed to fit these major economies — Korea, Canada, Japan, India — who are converging that year. We have to finish this year.”
Read the full write up here.
Monday, August 3, 2009
CPAs knowledge in IFRS and GAAP
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tenent Healthcare Corp improves returns
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Number of accounting degrees is up
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Current financial crisis not caused by change in accounting rules
Monday, July 27, 2009
Tata Motors profits rise after change in accounting rules
Friday, July 24, 2009
Bank of America has new Chief Accounting Officer
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Accouting for leases may change soon
Under the current rule, companies distinguish between capital lease obligations, which appear on the balance sheet, and operating leases (or rental contracts), which do not. Based on FASB's and IASB's discussion paper on the topic, released earlier this year, the new rule will likely require companies to also capitalize assets that have traditionally fallen under the "operating lease" category, making them appear more highly leveraged.
Read the full article here.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Accounting leaders meet in New York City
A few of the statements from the roundtable were:
Paul Cherry, chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board’s Standards Advisory Council and former Canadian Accounting Standards Board chairman.:
“We have an antiquated conceptual framework and coming off the charts is a rigorous rethink of disclosure. Without (improving) these essential building blocks I don’t see any real prospect for meaningful simplification of the standards.”
Wayne Carnall, the chief accountant of the SEC’s Division of Corporate Finance, stated:
“[In the U.S.,] we look at everything very short term. Everything becomes incrementalized because we want an immediate solution. It seems we’re constantly making changes. If we could step back and look at issues on a longer-term basis, it would help.”
Read all thoughts here at the Journal of Accountancy.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mark to market accounting
Friday, July 17, 2009
San Diego may change pension accounting
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Brazil adopts IFRS
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fare Value Accounting affected by current market situation
P. J. Patel, CFA, senior vice president of Valuation Research Corp, who conducted the study stated, "Respondents to this survey came down hard on Fair Value Accounting. While in less volatile times, Fair Value Accounting has improved transparency, in unusual times like we've seen, FVA becomes more difficult to implement and understand.”
Read the full story here.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pharma Financial Forum
The Pharma Financial Forum 2009 is a premier event designed to provide accounting, reporting, and corporate governance executives with novel strategies for operating in the rapidly evolving drug manufacturing industry, and an outline for making a smooth transition to IFRS standards. At this year’s conference, you will hear case studies from accounting and regulatory leaders who provide an unparalleled combination of current strategies that will enable you to resourcefully position your accounting operations.
Be sure to visit our website for more information and complete program details.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game. Join us today and walk away with an action plan for 2010.
Cash flow and banks
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Germans loosen accounting rules
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Accounting firms looking at carbon and climate change accounting
Eric Hespenheide, global managing partner of internal audit services at Deloitte and one of the leaders of its sustainability practice, said this:
"We're clearly leveraging our experience in Europe ... to build out and anticipate as best we can what impacts that will have on U.S. businesses. If the U.S. decides to adopt some reduction targets as a country, the stimulus and the impact on our U.S. economy will be magnitudes greater than what we've seen in any other individual country around the world."
Read the full article here.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Types of accounting
- Private or Industrial Accounting
- Public Accounting
- Governmental Accounting
- Fiduciary Accounting
- National Income Accounting
For an in-depth look at these different types of accounting, read here.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Canada to switch to IFRS by 2011
Yet the study, conducted by CFERF, FEI Canada, and sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers, showed that 12 percent of the 147 public companies surveyed had not yet taken the first step of starting their initial diagnostic assessments.
About 80 percent of public companies remained short of the halfway mark in their overall conversion process.
Read the full story here.Friday, June 26, 2009
New rule proposed for government bankruptcies
For pension and other post-employment benefits, a government could “reject” its plans and related obligations, the exposure draft states. “In that case, the rejected unfunded benefit obligations become general unsecured debt of the government” and the plan participants “would need to present their claims in the creditor’s committee together with all other general creditors of the government” for consideration of payment.
Alternatively, a government would not reject the obligations but bargain to reduce them, according to the statement from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
Read the full article here.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
An Objective Look at International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the report by Audit Integrity, can be read here.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Contingent Liabilities
The article points to contingent liabilities as a reason for the current credit problem facing the world today and states that investors should be aware of contingent liabilities before they invest in a company. Read the full article here.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Should states open up accounting to the public
What do you think? Should State accounting records be opened to the public?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Will principle based accounting improve financial reporting?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Businesses won't be taxed on personal use of cellphones
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Obama encourages universal accounting standards
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Lilly China adds to staff
Monday, June 15, 2009
Capital Standards under review
Some financial firms created special entities separate from their balance sheets to avoid reporting requirements or to reduce the amount of capital they needed to hold to satisfy regulatory requirements. As the financial storm gathered, uncertainty about some of those vehicles helped undermine confidence in banks and accelerated the financial crisis.
The new standards are aimed at improving accounting and disclosure associated with those vehicles.
Read the full story here.Friday, June 12, 2009
IFRS and the IT world
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mark Olson to retire
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pharma deals with taxes and working overseas
The dispute has to do with something called “earnings stripping,” in which a multinational company reduces its taxes by claiming interest deductions for payments to a related overseas unit. The company claims deductions on its U.S. tax return, but no money ultimately leaves the parent company’s coffers, and publicly reported profit doesn’t change. The WSJ explains the nitty gritty. Glaxo didn’t comment, but in court filings has said the payments were properly classified as tax-deductible interest.
Read the full article here.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Vermont to Drug Companies, Document Pay to Docs
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
You Business Impact Assessement
- The FASB & IASB have several topics on their convergence Agenda including:
- Financial Statement Presentation (Performance Reporting)
- IFRS 2 Share-based Payment Amendment – group cash-settled share-based payment transactions Impairment
- Income Taxes – Reconsideration of IAS 12
- Insurance Contracts – Phase II (Comprehensive Project)
- Joint Ventures – Reconsideration of IAS 31 Leases
- Liabilities (was part of Business Combinations – Phase II)
- Post-employment Benefits including Pensions
- Rate-regulated Activities
- Related Party Disclosures
- Revenue Recognition
- (IFRS for) Small and Medium-sized Entities (also referred to as Private Entities and Non-publicly Accountable Entities)
- Intangible Assets Extractive Activities IFRS XBRL Taxonomy
- Conceptual Framework Project Update
- Business Combinations Project Update
- Financial Statement Presentation
- Revenue Recognition Project Update
Monday, May 18, 2009
Are CFO’s confused over IFRS?
The survey that Howlett refers to was from a Grant Thornton study on attitudes to IFRS, the particular excerpt can be found on Howlett's post here.
Read Howlett's entire article by clicking here.
Friday, May 15, 2009
The future for US accounting
D.J. Gannon, national leadership partner at Deloitte & Touche’s IFRS Center of Excellence, stated:
“They want certainty. Five to seven years is sufficient time for most people to get through what they have to get through.”
Read the full article here.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Welcome to Pharma Dollars & Sense
Please hold on while we update our appearance.